Dealing with cold and dry air

Daily Life
12 December 2024
Man with stoma outside
Dealing with cold and dry air
Key points
  • Your lungs may find the seasonal changes in winter difficult as the air gets cooler and drier.
  • You may notice more coughing, mucus production and irritated airways at this time of year.
  • You should continue to wear your HME at all times. You should also consider the Provox Life Protect for its superior filtration to protect against bacteria and germs.

Here’s everything you need to know about dealing with some common problems in the colder months.

Saying goodbye to summer

As the warmer days come to an end, you may start to experience some issues with your breathing. But you’re not the only one. Clinical studies point towards a higher number of complaints after a laryngectomy during winter. These typically relate to coughing, irritated airways and producing more mucus.

Seasonal contributing factors

The main reason why winter can be difficult is because cold air holds less moisture than warm air. Additionally, our lungs aren’t helped by the inconsistent climate as we move between cool, often windy environments, to our homes where it’s warmer.

How to beat the winter blues

Use your HME day and night

Your HME heats and moisturises the air you breathe. Wearing an HME is important so your lungs have the best conditions possible in order to reduce coughing and mucus.

Take care of your skin

The cold air may dry out your skin and lead to some redness and irritation, this can make it difficult to wear an adhesive. We recommend using Provox wipes which are designed specifically for laryngectomees.

Watch out for germs

Winter means flu season, so you need to be careful when it comes to staying healthy. Try wearing the Provox Life Protect for the best air filtration. This HME has our most effective filter (keeping out more than 99% of all bacteria and viruses), so you can feel more confident about your health.
